Fabrication Work Sept 2022

Did a lot of chassis cleanup and addition of metal panels this month. I welded in the foot panel areas, the plates under the stick shift tunnel, the firewall plates, and I painted the underside of the car (may need another coat once complete with everything). Just to protect it for now. I am doing all I can while it's still in frame mode. I still need to weld on the floor pans for the seating area, mounting tabs for the dashboard and other panels, and brackets/holders for the hydraulic lines. I used to be able to lift it up by myself on it's side. The last time I tried, I pulled my back and shoulders a bit since it's getting too heavy for me to lift one end up now. I imagine I'll be using the engine hoist or a neighbor when it's time to turn it again to route the lines (or just go under the car). Not a lot of pictures. I've been focused mainly on working. I usually leave the phone out of the garage so it's not a distraction and will take a pic afterward if ...