Updates for June/July

I don't have much of a playbook for the next steps on this project. The car starts and runs now. In order to get it moving onto a road, I will need to do the following still: 1. Axles - I have axles that do not fit because the rear end is a corvette now instead of a fiero. Do I cut/weld to match or order new ones. I am scared to touch these at the moment. 2. Brake and clutch lines. About 70% done. I hesitate only because my prior experience with brake lines weren't the best. I am slowly working through this. 3. Shifting linkage. Completed but not 100% happy with it. If I can get it into gear then ok for a test. 4. Check steering components. Will be done the day of road test. Otherwise, she starts, holds a charge, and stays cool while at idle. I spent 30 min one day breaking in the engine so that is done. I modified the front crossbar to be removable so that I could put the battery in the space behind it. I lowered the front springs (I may have to lower again). I have e-brake pa...