Updates for June/July

I don't have much of a playbook for the next steps on this project. The car starts and runs now. In order to get it moving onto a road, I will need to do the following still:

1. Axles - I have axles that do not fit because the rear end is a corvette now instead of a fiero. Do I cut/weld to match or order new ones. I am scared to touch these at the moment.

2. Brake and clutch lines. About 70% done. I hesitate only because my prior experience with brake lines weren't the best. I am slowly working through this.

3. Shifting linkage. Completed but not 100% happy with it. If I can get it into gear then ok for a test.

4. Check steering components. Will be done the day of road test.

Otherwise, she starts, holds a charge, and stays cool while at idle. I spent 30 min one day breaking in the engine so that is done. I modified the front crossbar to be removable so that I could put the battery in the space behind it. I lowered the front springs (I may have to lower again). I have e-brake parts on order and a brake line bleeder on order as well.

Once I get it rolling, I will bring over some friends to drive down the road in it while I film from front/behind. This will get me some data on how it tracks over the road and alignment.

I built a couple of versions of the dash and interior center section. This was helpful in determining where multiple components of the car will sit with the interior in place. I am making all of the components removable for servicing. I also bought some aluminum sheets from Home Depot and started making some metallic interior panels. The shapes all help in trying to figure out complex angles for interior trim pieces. The fact the brake cylinders are in the dashboard played a big part in the removability aspect of these pieces. It's a bit weird, but it's the only logical place to put them.


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