Fabrication Work June 2022

So far June and July have been extremely productive months for the car project. There were times when I couldn't stop to take pictures because I was too caught up in the momentum of building!

I started the month by removing the engine and transmission from the old chassis and setting them aside. I then mocked up the fake engine with the appropriate mounts and welded it to the new chassis, and then bolted on the transmission. Next, I added the headers to allow for visualization of the drive train. It took a few days to measure and place the engine but the end result was worth it. I also took the body off the old frame and dragged it out to the driveway.

The next task was to begin on the steering system and starting to get the ergonomics correct. So for this, I needed to order proper seats. I bought replica Countach seats from ebay and was super happy when they arrived as they were very nice quality and allowed me to continue! I rigged a PVC harness for the steering to get the angles and measurements correct as I sat in the car on floor mats while waiting for the seats.

Once I got the angles right, I used scrap metal and clamps to construct a preliminary frame and keep in in place for the next step, which was to roll the chassis out and mount the body onto it. This was the most terrifying and exciting part of the build so far, since I literally had no idea they would fit correctly. Until this point, it was all measuring, math, and CAD work. The result speaks for itself though.

And here I am, happy that I finally have headroom and leg space!!


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