Pausing the Blog

 Happy 2024!

I decided to put this blog on pause. I feel like I am writing to nobody and interest in this project is nonexistent. I won't delete it in case I am proven wrong, but for now I just don't see the point in writing for what is most likely me re-visiting and re-reading the words I have already written. Do people even read blogs anymore?

I plan to leave Amazon in March after a very rough year with them. Even leaving has been an uphill battle. In any case, I sold the rental property and now I have about 1-2 years worth of savings. I realize quitting a job right now in this economy with all sorts of societal problems happening isn't good timing, and I am constantly reminded of that, but when is the right time?

I am taking a mental break basically. I was never able to fully recover from the damage the pandemic isolation caused to my mental health. So I am taking time off to focus on this project, art, music, supporting the kids, etc.

No updates to the car since the last post. I have been busy with work and building a storage loft in the garage.


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