Making some CV axles

So, nobody bothered to answer my inquiries about custom CV axles, so after a few weeks of waiting, I decided to make them myself. I mean, if I fuck up, at least I can just send the pieces to one of these shops to have them made. I think I did pretty good. I know the advice is to not make your own by cutting and welding, but I figured I don't owe anyone an explanation for why I did this, so I just made them. They came out pretty good. The main challenge was to figure out how to machine the half-shafts down to so that the two halves matched, and I could put a DOM steel pipe over it. I used the disc sander for this task. It probably took longer than using a lathe, but with steady hands it's possible. So, I machined the large diameter shaft down, and machined the ends down with a significant chamfer. I then slipped a DOM steel tube over it and welded it all. I tested it after install by moving the car uphill, letting it roll downhill, and engaging a gear suddenly. They didn't ...