December 2022

This month I completed boxing in the cab area floor and walls. I then ordered and installed the new gas pedal. Not sure if I will use a single control cable or use a system of bell cranks and rods to control the throttle.

Some bell crank assembly pics I took as this was my first idea for the throttle linkage. I also bought new universal door hardware to use for all the doors on the car.

I worked a bit on the exhaust system. I was pretty intimidated by this step, which is why I put it off for so long, but it was actually a nice distraction from other car stuff I was getting bored doing (chassis work).

Next, we turned the car around in the driveway and backed it up into the garage. This was to simplify the engine installation. To locate TDC for the cap and rotor, I had to take off one valve cover, and pretty much destroyed it taking it off, due to the very liberal application of sealer at the factory, so I had to buy a new set. Yay.

I am replacing the carb with a new EFI kit from MSD, for better fuel control.

I also moved the old door frames to see what differences there were between the body I made and the body I bought. Close enough, haha. Literally nothing I built previously works for this build. Even the hinges I had won't cut it.

I also received my new wiring kit. Not as nice as the previous kit in terms of instructions, but more circuits on this one and it was cheaper than the previous kit. I gave the other wiring harness to my neighbor, who plans on gutting his Jeep's wiring and replacing it.

I also bought a digital dashboard display. It's modern, but the look is primitive enough to pass for 80's hi-tech. This car could have been owned by a Radio Shack regional franchise owner. Oh, also new ignition and switches (can also be seen in pic).

Most of the month was fine, except for this last week. My furnace took a shit Christmas Eve., so I've been relying on space heaters for now until I can get a tech to check it out. Also, some of our neighborhood mailboxes were looted. Good times.


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