January 2023

 Did a little bit of this and that this month. Mostly, I've been working on installing a new pellet stove in my Garage, which meant tearing out old crap and installing new crap. Kind of a PITA on the clearances to walls, but you can't beat $1 a day to heat the garage with easy start and shut off. I needed to put in a new outlet, but that is par for the course in this house anyway, so I took the opportunity to add a new one.

On the car itself, I routed wires and finally bought all hardware adapters for the brake lines. I installed the EFI control module and located the fuel tank at the front. I am currently trying to think of were to put the radiator I have. The plan originally was to buy new tanks and cooling system, but I switched to trying to use what I already have first, at least to get the car running and moving. Later I can swap it all out if I want to. These first pics are from when I permanently bolted the rear suspension assembly to the frame right at the new year.

Since I did the rear of the car, I figured I might as well bolt on the front suspension parts of the car as well. I also cleaned and painted the pieces prior to bolting on.

Various pics of me installing the brake lines and hardware. I still have one brake line to bend and fit. It got tedious after a while and this is not needed for initial engine startup, so taking a short break until I get the motivation to start back up again. BTW, laying under the car on jack stands for the first time, under a frame you designed and welded yourself, with about 1000 lbs of engine and transmission adding weight... IS FUCKING TERRIFYING.

The next pics show the painted exhaust headers, and car wiring. I spent an entire night just undoing the garbage factory wire looms on the wire kit, and re-did their routing so that it's more proper to the car. The work was made tolerable with 420 edibles and You Tube music playlists on high volume. Those engine bay pics are friggin' awesome.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my dining room table, aka work desk, aka board game table, aka crafts table, aka small car projects table.


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