Playing catch up
Called in sick today with a flu. My back hurts from laying down, so I am just sitting here cold sweating and shivering on a chair instead.
This is the boy's half-brother, who we were watching part-time while Anna's situation was going on, and her hubby scrambled to makes sense of it as well. I had a whole rant about what was going on and my personal issues in dealing with current frustrating life situations, but... Fuck it. Ain't nobody got time for that noise, and posting work opinions on social media now has a way of going viral and getting people fired. What a world we have created.
I just wish I could take a month off from life and reset everything - including resetting future plans since there is no chance in hell the FAA will let me fly solo again, thanks to their 1960's policies on mental health, despite a flawless gold seal record, previously meeting master CFI qualification, and 20+ students now captains in various airlines around the world. Impossible to stop everything at this point and reset (I can't even take a medical LOA). Too many responsibilities without any backup. Just ride the current wave and hope it lands on the beach and not the adjacent rock cliff.
The face swapping app usage guarantees he is now part of the tribe here, lol. The next pics are of the radiator mounting bracket fabrication and install. I am going with dual rads. Not sure if this will work properly, but I won't know unless I test it. This set up seems to have worked with others in the past. These are from a late 90's Honda civic.

Spent a lot of time with the kids this past month. It's what I prioritized over anything else. Just keeping it normal for them as much as possible.
Yes, I lost a significant amount of weight during the last 2 months. I was 225 last year and now I am around 185. None of this was done out of healthy habits, but more a result of stress. I am not unhappy with how I look now, but the short time has left me without any energy.
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