August Update

The heat has been terrible this year and I haven't done much to the car since the last update. I did work on the parking brake, and it's been holding up now in the driveway for the past 4 weeks.

I tried contacting the axle shop I used previously but they have not been quick to respond. I have not done any other work to the car, as the last brake line needs me to lift the car up to get under it and my garage is now full of crap from my rental house.

I have also been super busy with moving my renter out of my house, and cleaning all of the garbage she and her sister left behind. Bags and bags and bags of shit. Literal shit on the bathroom floors, stains and cigarette burns in the carpets. Spider nests in every nook and cranny. Mouse shit everywhere. I found it amusing that when I called out the mouse shit, they seemed surprised that there were mice at all. Then I discovered boxes and boxes of mice poison and traps in one of the rooms. All in all, it will cost me about 50k to get it fixed up to sell. I will not get the profit I was looking for, but at least I won't have this elephant on my back anymore.

I will never rent or lend anything ever again. I still remember lending my Jimi Hendrix Experience CD to a "friend" back in the day, and all I got back was the CD itself. Missing were the case, and the nice booklet/poster that was inside. With a simple shoulder shrug when I asked where these other things were. I should have learned my lesson then. People have not changed since.

I may do some more work this month when it cools down (if it does) and I will post when I do.


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